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Who has the Right of Way at a California Intersection?

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Who has the Right of Way at a California Intersection?

Determining Right of Way at Intersections

Determining the right of way at an intersection depends on several factors, including the type of intersection and the presence of traffic control devices. Here are some general rules:

Uncontrolled Intersections

The standard “First Come, First Served” rule applies. In case of a tie, the driver to the right has the right of way. Remember, "right is right".

Controlled Intersections

  1. Stop Sign (4-way)


    The “First Come, First Served” rule applies. If two cars arrive at the same time, the driver to the right has the right of way.

  2. Left Turn


    The driver making a left turn must always yield. Approaching vehicles without stop signs and pedestrians have the right of way.

  3. U-Turns

    You must yield to everyone when making a U-turn.

3 Second Rule

This is not an official rule. If the other driver doesn’t move and you are waiting, counting to three and then proceeding is generally recognized as reasonable. However, it does not relieve you of the responsibility to proceed safely.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the California DMV website.

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