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Who Can Call Themselves a "Doctor" in California??

Photo of attorney horowitz

Who Can Call Themselves a Doctor (in California)?

Right this minute a person can call themselves a doctor in California only if they are a Medical Board of California or Osteopathic Medical Board of California physician.  However a pending California court case may change that.  (Note: Chiropractors can call themselves "Dr." but must put (D.C. or chiropractor at the end of their name, suchas Dr. William Jones, D.C.)

In Workers Compensation a Chiropractor is a Physician

The term "Physician" can be used by a chiropractor in the context of a Worker's Compensation case!  In the 2023 suspension of Candelario Chiropractic the Workers Compensation Board used the phrase "physician" which is standard in that context (Workers Compensation)  "IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Candelario Chiropractic is hereby suspended from participating in the workers’ compensation system as a physician, practitioner, or provider."   (See more about this below under § 9785. Reporting Duties of the Primary Treating Physician.)

The use of the term doctor to mislead someone into believing the person is a medical doctor is covered by two statutes:

Business and Professions Code Section 2052

Any person who practices or attempts to practice, advertises, or holds themselves out as practicing any system or mode of treating the sick or afflicted without a valid, unrevoked, or unsuspended certificate is guilty of a public offense. This includes diagnosing, treating, operating, or prescribing for any ailment, blemish, deformity, disease, disfigurement, disorder, injury, or other physical or mental condition. The penalties for this offense are:

  • A fine of up to $10,000

  • Imprisonment pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170 of the Penal Code

  • Imprisonment in a county jail for up to one year

  • Both the fine and imprisonment

Business and Professions Code Section 2054

Additionally, any person who uses the title "doctor," "physician," the letters "Dr.," the initials "M.D.," or any other terms or letters implying they are a physician and surgeon, without a valid, unrevoked, and unsuspended certificate, is guilty of a misdemeanor. This includes using these titles in signs, business cards, letterheads, or advertisements, or representing themselves as a physician and surgeon under any law.

Can Dentists Call Themselves Doctor?

Another related question is whether a Dentist can use the phrase "Dr.".  This is not a finalized issue but the dental board has published examples of names that dentists might theoretically use when registering a fictitious business name.  These include:

The fictitious name may be more than one line, and if so, the lines do not have to be of equal font size. Some examples are:

Greenhaven Dental Care
Dental Office of Dr. John Doe

A-B-C Dental
Practice of Smith Dental Corporation

Camellia Dental Center
Dental Group of John Doe, DDS, Inc.

Howe Avenue Dental Group
Drs. Jones, Smith, and Doe

The Basic “OLD” Rules for Using Medical Titles

Under the Medical Practice Act, individuals licensed as physicians and surgeons are authorized to use medical titles1. Key cases such as Crees v. California State Bd. of Medical Examiners (1963), Oosterveen v. Board of Medical Examiners (1952), and Steinsmith v. Medical Board (2000) support this.

Naturopathic Doctors

Business & Professions Code section 3661 says that:

A naturopathic doctor who uses the term or designation “Dr.” shall further identify themselves as “Naturopathic Doctor,” “Licensed Naturopathic Doctor,” “Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine,” or “Doctor of Naturopathy” and shall not use any term or designation that would tend to indicate the practice of medicine, other than naturopathic medicine, unless otherwise licensed as a physician and surgeon, osteopathic doctor, or doctor of chiropractic"

Current Issues:

California Law: California law prohibits using terms like “M.D.” or similar in a professional capacity unless the individual holds the appropriate licensure. This includes situations where the title might mislead the public about the individual’s licensure status1.

Osteopaths: Osteopaths (O.D.) with a physician’s and surgeon’s certificate and an M.D. degree from an approved medical school in California before a certain date can use the “M.D.” suffix without it being considered unprofessional conduct, provided they notify the relevant boards1.

The New Battle Over the Term “Doctor”

Litigation: In Jacqueline Palmer et al v. Rob Bonta (2023), three nurse practitioners with Ph.D.s (Doctorate of Nursing) sued to invalidate California Business and Professions Code section 2054, claiming it infringed on their First Amendment rights. This section states that only currently licensed physicians can use terms like “doctor,” “physician,” “Dr.,” or "M.D."1.

CMA and AMA Stance: The California Medical Association (CMA) and the American Medical Association (AMA) filed a joint amicus curiae brief arguing that the law must prohibit the use of the term “doctor” by anyone other than a California-licensed medical doctor, meaning an allopathic or osteopathic physician1.

This version is optimized for SEO by including relevant keywords such as “Medical Practice Act,” “California Medical Board,” “use of medical titles,” “licensed physicians,” and “California Business and Professions Code section 2054.” It maintains a clear structure and addresses potential search queries directly.

1CMA and AMA urge against non-physicians’ use of “doctor” title

The Pacific Legal Foundation which filed the lawsuit describes (on their website) the issue this way:

California’s restriction of the word “doctor” isn’t a protection against fraud and injury. Instead, the state is appropriating the word “doctor” for certain protected professions: licensed physicians and surgeons. Never mind that neither “Dr.” nor “doctor” appears anywhere on physicians’ or surgeons’ certificates.

The government cannot hijack a commonly used word and reserve it for a narrow range of preferred jobs. Nor can the state police the use of truthful language to limit career opportunities.

Forced either to lie about their qualifications and experience, stay silent, or fight back, Jacqueline, Heather, and Rodolfo are choosing the latter. Represented at no charge by Pacific Legal Foundation, the trio filed a federal lawsuit challenging California’s unjust titling law to restore their right to accurately describe themselves and their credentials and to earn an honest living.

What Does the AMA and CMA Think?

The Amicus brief of the AMA and CMA makes many points including:

Section 2054 is colloquially known as a “truth in advertising” law in
medicine. The problem it is designed to address – confusion when non-physicians
use the term “doctor” or “Dr.” – is not unique to California.

They make the point that:

When encountering the health care system, patients immediately confront an
array of practitioners and acronyms that can cause confusion over the practitioner’s
level of licensing, education, and training. In a review of over 2,000 primary care
providers' biographies, a researcher found 181 unique combinations of alphabetic
acronyms next to the practitioners’ names (e.g., FNP-BC, PA-C).

What about California law?  The Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 22, § 73085 - Physician says:

(a) Physician means a person licensed as a physician and surgeon by the Medical Board of California or by the Osteopathic Medical Board of California.

(b) Attending Physician. Attending physician means the physician responsible for the medical treatment of the patient in the facility.

(c) Advisory Physician. Advisory physician means the physician who assumes responsibility for the medical guidance of the licensed facility.

(d) Psychiatrist. Psychiatrist means a physician who has specialized training and/or experience in psychiatry.

Now there are more laws on this topic - sort of.   A chiropractor in the Workers Compensation system in California is called the "treating physician" if he/she meets the qualifications below.

§ 9785. Reporting Duties of the Primary Treating Physician.

(a) For the purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:

(1) The “primary treating physician” is the physician who is primarily responsible for managing the care of an employee, and who has examined the employee at least once for the purpose of rendering or prescribing treatment and has monitored the effect of the treatment thereafter. The primary treating physician is the physician selected by the employer, the employee pursuant to Article 2 (commencing with section 4600) of Chapter 2 of Part 2 of Division 4 of the Labor Code, or under the contract or procedures applicable to a Health Care Organization certified under section 4600.5 of the Labor Code, or in accordance with the physician selection procedures contained in the medical provider network pursuant to Labor Code section 4616. For injuries on or after January 1, 2004, a chiropractor shall not be a primary treating physician after the employee has received 24 chiropractic visits, unless the employer has authorized additional visits in writing. This prohibition shall not apply to the provision of postsurgical physical medicine prescribed by the employee's surgeon, or physician designated by the surgeon pursuant to the postsurgical component of the medical treatment utilization schedule adopted by the Administrative Director pursuant to Labor Code section 5307.27. For purposes of this subdivision, the term “chiropractic visit” means any chiropractic office visit, regardless of whether the services performed involve chiropractic manipulation or are limited to evaluation and management.

When you have a Workers Compensation case going to trial for Workers Compensation fraud this designation can cause lots of confusion as people who do not specialize in Workers Compensation law don't know that it is proper to use the term "physician" for the chiropractor in these circumstances.  (Note: Horowitz is NOT a specialist in WC law.  However, handling many workers compensation fraud cases gives him this background.)

Are Lawyers Doctors?

History of the JD

Attorney David Fryson wrote an article titled: 

The curious case of why lawyers are not called 'doctor'

 You can read all of David Fryson Esq.'s article at the American Bar Association website. (Read Article on Lawyers/Doctors)  David essentially make the argument that a law degree was not original even meant to be a doctorate.  Here is what he wrote on that.

A juris doctor or a doctorate in jurisprudence is a three-year professional degree historically known for its considerable intellectual rigor. Part of the challenge of perception with JDs using the title “Dr.” is that at one point, the American law degree was considered a bachelor of laws, or LLB.

Harvard University first awarded the LLB in 1820 as an undergraduate degree. The evolution of the JD as a graduate degree was deliberated throughout most of the 20th century. The awarding of the JD degree was first suggested by the Harvard Law School faculty in 1902, but the proposal did not meet with university approval. In 1903, the University of Chicago Law School, which was one of five law schools then demanding a college degree from its applicants, first conferred the JD on its graduates.

The mid-20th century saw a change in law school education with the law degree primarily becoming a graduate degree that required a four-year bachelor’s degree as a prerequisite for law school entry.

“Between 1964 and 1969, at the encouraging of the American Bar Association, most American law schools … upgraded their basic law degree from the traditional” LLB to JD “to reflect the (by then) almost-universal postgraduate status of the degree,” according to a 2012 blog post from the Marquette University Law School. Nevertheless, the American tradition that JD degree holders should not use the prefix “Dr.” persisted.

I don't doubt his history but a law degree is a three year program and it requires a high level of knowledge.  My professor at Boston University School of Law, John Dawson was fond of saying "Law is one of the very few learned professions".  He wrote what was then at least the leading textbook on constitutional law and he certainly believed in the J.D. degree being a very level honor to earn and hold.

Meanwhile the Pacific Legal Foundation fights for its position. But the American Medical Association opposes them !    Stay Tuned!   Dr. Biden (et al :])

Healthcare fraud cases can involve abuse of the MD label but not directly.  If a doctor is the front person for a product but a non-physician makes the sale this can be both medical fraud and practicing without a license.  This might happen when a doctor's office purports to sell medical devices but all aspects other than handing out the forms are done by an outside commercial entity.

Daniel Horowitz is a medical license and physician defense attorney representing Medical Board or Osteopathic Board licensed medical doctors.