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What are the Federal Terrorism Statutes?


What are the Federal Terrorism Statutes?

Terrorism related crimes can include money laundering and conspiracy charges. The more specific federal statutes are:

18 U.S. Code Chapter 113B: This chapter defines terrorism and related offenses, including acts of terrorism transcending national boundaries, bombings of places of public use, government facilities, public transportation systems and infrastructure facilities, and providing material support to terrorists.

18 U.S. Code § 2339A: This statute makes it illegal to provide material support to terrorists, including providing funds, training, or other resources.

18 U.S. Code § 2339B: This statute makes it illegal to provide material support or resources to designated foreign terrorist organizations.

18 U.S. Code § 2339C: This statute criminalizes the financing of terrorism, including the provision of funds or other assets with the intent that they be used to carry out terrorist acts.

18 U.S. Code § 2339D: This statute makes it illegal to receive military-type training from a foreign terrorist organization.

A focus of terrorism investigations are NGO's and domestic charities that raise money for "causes" but funnel the proceeds to groups associated with overseas terror activities.   A book titled the Muslim Mafia details some of these connections by groups such as the Holy Land Foundation.  Daniel Horowitz defended the authors of that book against lawsuits by the organization about which the book was written.