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Drunk Driving Charges in Contra Costa County involving Doctors

Criminal Defense lawyer Daniel Horowitz

Doctors Facing Drunk Driving Charges in Contra Costa County

Doctors facing drunk driving charges are at risk of criminal sanctions and significant impacts to their medical licenses. Even if charges are not filed or a “not guilty” verdict is obtained at trial, the medical board can—and often will—initiate an investigation. While you may feel safe if you don't have to self-report under Section 802.1 of the Business & Professions Code, any report from the Department of Justice, prosecutors, or other parties can trigger a medical board DUI investigation.

A doctor may be forced to provide urine samples, blood samples (pEth testing), hair samples and engage in counseling and potentially even license restrictions.

A skilled DUI lawyer in Contra Costa can provide invaluable assistance in navigating the legal complexities and negotiating a resolution of the DUI charge. In close cases, the disparate impact of prosecution on your medical license can be considered by a Contra Costa prosecutor when determining whether to file charges. However, once alcohol is involved in the arrest, even a plea to reckless driving without alcohol involvement can trigger a board DUI inquiry.

A Contra Costa DUI lawyer can help by thoroughly examining the evidence against you and identifying any procedural errors or violations of your rights that may have occurred during your arrest. They can challenge the accuracy of breathalyzer or blood test results and question the legality of the traffic stop itself. By leveraging their expertise, a DUI lawyer in Contra Costa County can build a strong defense strategy tailored to your specific case, potentially leading to reduced charges or even a dismissal. While this may not fully resolve a medical board inquiry, a DUI lawyer with knowledge of medical board enforcement rules can provide the best defense for both DUI and medical board cases.

Daniel Horowitz is a Contra Costa County criminal defense specialist and one of California’s leading medical license defense lawyers.