What is a Medical Board Public Reprimand?
Public reprimands are formal notices issued by professional bodies to individuals who have violated standards or codes of conduct. A Medical Board of California Public Letter of Reprimand is a form of discipline. The reprimand may include requirements such as alcohol or drug testing or specified training or education.
How Long is a Public Reprimand Posted?
Medical Board Public letters of reprimand are posted for 10 years. A citation is a lesser penalty and citations are posted for three years. The internet will archive these reprimands on sites like www.waybackmachine.com and these letters will persist in credentialing files, employment files and in the hands of insurance companies.
Accusations and other Medical Board actions can be posted forever.
What are the Grounds for Issuance of a Public Reprimand?
Public reprimands are issued when there is no major violation such as gross negligence, a direct threat to patient safety or criminal conviction. The board applies this sanction when the doctor’s
conduct fails to meet ethical or professional standards. This is a catch-all and applies to a broad range of conduct. It can apply to false information on a credentialing application, a criminal conviction of a crime not directly related to the practice of medicine (such as reckless driving without alcohol involved).
The Best Medical Defense Legal Team
If you are facing a medical board investigation you need expert legal representation. Public reprimands and citations are the low end of professional medical discipline but they will stay with you for the rest of your career. Daniel Horowitz is an experienced medical lawyer whose practice spans the State of California.